So here it is, the day that it all comes fruition. Here is a new venue for dark fiction, a new publication that will change the way that you read magazines.

Agatha-nominated Elizabeth Zelvin kicks things off with "The Silkie." Chad Rohrbacher brings us into a robotic near future with "Furious." Sandra Seamans offers up a surreal piece of noir with "What Doesn't Kill You" and it is accompanied by an equally amazing illustration by Jane Burson.
Paul D. Brazill turns horror on its ear and gives it a Michael Madsen, with "Drunk On The Moon." "Automancer" is a tale that gives a new twist to magic, by my friend author and editor, Katherine Tomlinson. I have a story in there called "His Hands, which is a tribute to the writing style of my friend Quin Browne. I chronicle a doomed relationship that takes unforeseen tragic conclusion.
The aforementioned isn't even half of the stories that are in this issue, and the art work is truly a feast for the eyes. There is horror, fantasy, noir, science fiction and all the dark things that are under the sun...and in the shadows.