Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Get Plugged In #8

Certainly first and foremost, The Pop Eye Blog turned five. Out of all my friends who blog, Becky is the Atlas when it comes to blogging. She does it harder, longer, faster, Kanye, and she is my only reliable source of pop culture (i.e. she doesn't float half-truths like every other pop or gossip blog does, to draw in readers).

Next, Nora O'Sullivan brings the pain and the blood, courtesy of Chicago Reader.

Richard Godwin interviews-

Needle Magazine Creator/Editor Steve Weddle.

Iraq War Vet/Author Jason Duke.

Author Paul D. Brazill a.k.a. "Paulie Decibels."

As well as a compelling and surreal conversation with Christopher Grant.

Richard writes as well, and he paints a vivid picture at Michael Solender's You're Not From Around Here, Are You...with "The Iconoclast."

Speaking of "vivid," Patti Abbott types out a Renoir-worthy portrait at Beat To A Pulp, with "At The Cafe Sabarsky."

Last but not least, if you somehow missed Paul's interview with Brit Author Alan Griffiths in Pulp Metal Magazine, here it is again, with You Would Say That, Wouldn't You?


David Barber said...

Some great links, Cormac. Thanks, mate.

Doc said...

One of the things I admire most about you is the fact that you never quit promoting the great works of others and you are always ready to hand out the "atta boy's" and the back pats.

And you're right, no one serves it up like Beckeye!


Paul D Brazill said...

Thanks for that Cormac.

Cormac Brown said...


I know that you'll dig them.


Becky is the Master of The Internet Domain...no, that doesn't sound quite right.

Paulie Decibels,

I owe you a lot more links.