Eh, just the lass in the red. You can tell because she's actually considering strangling herself before reading yet even another word that I have written. As for the others? An artist named Liliac created three dimensional pop-up covers and collages out of existing book covers. I found this courtesy of The Rap Sheet.
Smashing!. The artist Matthew Higgs, who I used to know slighty, once had an exhibition in which he painted pages from crime novels that mentioned 'art' of some sort. not as goos as this ...
Paulie Decibels,
You know we Yanks love it when Brits say "smashing" and "innit."
Paulie Decibels,
Does that mean "geezer?"
yes, though I've never used that expression myself. or innit. smashing,though....but, after seing 'Cassandra's Dream,' it looks like it's fare game for anyone to do a rubbish London accent ...
Paulie Decibels,
Did you know that "geezer" means someone who is ancient on this side of the pond?
Is your name really Mary Roberts ...something?
Well, you ask if these ladies are terrified of having to read another of your stories ... and there's a book in the foreground written by Mary Roberts .... something...
I sort of knew you weren't MR? but wanted to make a little jokey joke about the author of the ... oh never mind.
Ah, and that kills my next post about how observant I am.
; )
Seriously, I should go back and look at the authors, there might be some hidden gold in there. Man, if only I noticed the details the first time around, just like a journalist...
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