Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Beetner Me To A Pulp, Redux"

What was that tagline for "Alien?" Oh yeah, "In one can hear you scream."

Well on the Internet, you can't tell whether I'm joking or not, unless I do my job as a writer. Obviously I didn't.

I mean...

...even she knows that my tongue was in cheek.

And even Clark Kent knows when I'm winking so hard that it looks like I'm having a stroke.

So when I say that I'm hiring Betty White to pull a hit? I hope that you understand that in no way am I being serious, okay? I was using the most absurd thing I could think's what I do...that, and ellipses. Obviously poorly, but it's what I do.


Pyzahn said...

I am a particular woman of a certain age.

Cormac Brown said...


Saturday morning, go to the Hardee's on Chesnut Street, where you will look for a man in a tan overcoat and a blue fedora. He will have an envelope full of non-sequential bills and a package...

Paul D Brazill said...

Aye, it's a hoot, so it is. Congrats on getting on the shortlist for The Watery Grave Inviational.

Cormac Brown said...

Paulie Decibels,

Thank you very much, I appreciate it.