Wednesday, April 15, 2009


She is my numerological exception.

Like a number, she is irrational and few can understand her, much less explain her without a chalkboard.

And like mathematics, you could lock me in a room with all the tutors in the world and I'll never understand her, because I have dyscalculia.

Or look at us this way-

XX + XY= Confusion.


rebecca said...

Okay, I never heard of the word dyscalculia but I figured it had to be a disability (dys) in understanding calculus? (calculia). Well, I looked it up...pretty good guess. Pat on the back, gee, I amaze myself sometimes he-he!

Gee, well, hmm? I don't know what to say...except maybe if you SUBTRACT trying to understand her, then maybe things will begin to ADD up and your interactions with her will now be successfully MULTIPLIED because a house DIVIDED is just not a good house at all....

I know, cheesy, but I couldn't help myself :-D

Pyzahn said...

I read it. I read it again. But like anything dealing with math, my brain shut down.

What the h-e-double hockey sticks are you talking about?

Pyzahn said...

Oh, wait a minute. Is it the Mars vs. Venus thing...only wrapped up in a befuddled guy kinda way as a veiled cry for help?

Cormac Brown said...


She'll never make sense to, "The Narrator."

"then maybe things will begin to ADD up and your interactions with her will now be successfully MULTIPLIED because a house DIVIDED is just not a good house at all."

I wouldn't...uh, "The Narrator" wouldn't live with someone like that.


Same with thing with math and me.

Read it again.

"Oh, wait a minute. Is it the Mars vs. Venus thing...only wrapped up in a befuddled guy kinda way as a veiled cry for help?"

There it is.

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I love this.

Cormac Brown said...

Secret Agent Flan,

Thank you!

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

BTW: I wrote you a birthday present on my blog...

Cormac Brown said...

Secret Agent Flan,

Thanks again, it's lovely!

Paul D Brazill said...

very smart and very, very nice!

Cormac Brown said...

Paulie Decibels,

Thanks, mate!