...but damn, you look everywhere else and there was a strong resemblance.

"Cormac Brown" is my pen name. I'm an up-and-slumming writer in the city of Saint Francis and I'm following in the footsteps of Hammett...minus the TB and working for the Pinkerton Agency. A couple of stories that I've stiched and stapled together, can be found here.
Have you figured it out? You still don't know?
Look carefully and you'll see Roosevelt's face. That's right, it's a dime and no, nobody "dropped it" on somebody else. Some bright ray of sunshine stuck this in an escalator, to jam it up on purpose. Needless to say he or she was quite successful.
Now, this particular incident didn't happen on my shift, but if it did? I'm the person that people would complain at (as opposed to "to"), despite the fact that there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.
It's not my department and really, most of the other complaints flung at me do not fall under my jurisdiction at all. This is simply a case of me being the target that is out in the wide open like a buffalo on the range. This is also symbolic of what goes on every day at my workplace; morons gumming up the works in general, fleeing and leaving me to deal with the consequences.
But you ask, what does my employer think of this?
Taken from Bizarro by Piraro's blog
Something akin to this Bizarro cartoon and if there were to be another panel, what would happen with that carrot and the stick wouldn't be PG-rated by any stretch of the imagination. Because that's the warm, compassionate and caring kind of company that I work for. Sure it's still illegal in some states in America, but they do it to us anyway.
They throw so many of us under the bus, that we should change our classification from "employees" to "speed bumps."
End of rant.
Resume what you were doing.
Don't cry for me, Argentina.
Way before The Transformers and Robosaurus, was this fella. The problem was that he was a little too far ahead of his time and his creators couldn't compensate for his, er, "hydraulic problems." Micro chips and Viagra came decades too late to prevent the carnage.
Out of all the tongs and triads, the Lap Cheong Triad were the most feared on both sides of The Pacific. Though most of their fiercest rivals could withstand the normal tortures, the Lap Cheong would show the lost audition film of an inebriated Curly Howard reading Shakespeare...nude. The results are so horrific that, well...
If I have to tell you, it's already too late; you don't tug on Superman's cape, and you don't cut in line in front of The Missus.
As cappuccino machines got more and more sophisticated, and more and more intelligent, the inevitable happened.