Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Replay: "In The Purple And Gray Morning"

The way JJ worked it, he came up with the starting sentence and he would post it on Friday, around 11 AM. Then, you had to come up with the story by Monday 12 PM C.S.T.

Well, I had writer's block that weekend, so it tends to be a good idea to go with what is in front of you and what do you knnow? That's what I decided to write about.

Check out, "In The Purple And Gray Morning."


Gifted Typist said...

Excellent exercise in breaking through the block. I find blogging quite useful and often chuck up a post before I hit my column

Cormac Brown said...


Why, thank you.

"I find blogging quite useful and often chuck up a post before I hit my column."

Yes, but you are typing machine and you probably type in your sleep, just like The Missus.